In the first given task we should pick an object and make multiple associationsn with it, trying to make it interactive. It was hard to figure out a good one, but after thinking for some time I realized that a bag multi use would be the most suitable one because it tells a lot of stories and it goes to alot of places every single day. Here are some of the associations I did:
- it stores a lot of different items
- can be used for school, trip and work
- it stinks when putting dirty clothes and food
- it is extremely necessary for all assignments
- books are the most valuable items carried in
- sometimes heavy, sometimes light
- beers are the second most valuable items
- it is very useful for sports practicing
- most of the clothes from the wardrobe have already got in there
- it is useful to carry big stuffs on the outside like a skate or a jumper
Some important descriptions of my associations:
Can be used for different purposes (uni, trip, work)Bags have always been used by many different people with many different objectives. When I talk about bags, I remember my childhood when I used to carry my bag with notebooks and many coloured pencils inside. I hated to see many other children doing the same as me and it was even worse when they owned the same bag. Usually bags break after being used for a long time. When I was a child I hated my bag, because I hated to go to school. Nowadays I know how valuable it is, every time I use it to do something different.
Extremely necessary in most assignmentsBags have proven its value. In most situations when you need to find that very important document which you haven’t seen for a long time, look into your bag carefully, it might be messy, but you will probably end up finding it. In most situations I needed a piece of paper which contained a very important idea or thought; I looked into my bag and tcharam…. I found it!
Books were the most valuable items stored inDefinitely, books are the most important thing I have ever carried in my bag. Books keep a lot of relevant information that need to be kept safely and the safest place to keep such thing is probably in your bag, because it is possible to check it at any time you want and you will probably not lose this valuable thing.
Beers were the second most valuable items carried inAs mom has always said, after fulfilling all your duties and obligations, it is time to have some fun! Nevertheless, it is no crime to keep the object of your leisure and fun in the same place the object of your knowledge was kept! So, if you have bought a lot of beers to party with some girls and friends, don’t push yourself too hard carrying it by hand, put in your bag!
It is useful to carry stuffs on the outside, such as a skate, jumper….Sometimes you will realize that there is no time to spend trying to fit stuffs into your bag, put it on the outside, for example, it is really hard to put a skate board into your bag and sometimes you will need both hands to do something like shopping, so fit your skateboard in between your bag and back, you will save time and feel more comfortable. The same can be done if you are using a jumper and the weather starts to warm up!
To sum up, your bag is your life or even your best friend. Without your bag, you are nothing! Here is a good image of a useful bag!